The Buzz by Mike Schaffer - PR, Social Media, Pop Culture and Sports

Posts Tagged ‘The Office’

Buzz, PR, Social Media, Technology

January 18, 2010

Facebook Not Included

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On Monday, I presented a social media plan to a restaurant chain my agency represents in a PR capacity.
I recommended what I thought to be a good mix of outlets and channels to reach their target market, including Facebook.
My client responded, “Why do we need Facebook?  What can it give us that our website can’t? [...]

TV and Movies

June 2, 2009

Dissecting My DVR

Tags: 30 Rock, American Idol, Colbert Report, DVR, Gossip Girl, Head Case, Heroes, House, LOST, Real Housewives of New Jersey, Smallville, Sushi Pack, The Daily Show, , The Soup, , True Blood, TV,

I believe you can tell a lot about a person by what TV shows they watch…or record.  Here are the shows on my DVR…and you can judge me for yourself!
1. LOST – Best drama on TV.
2. House – Love, love, love this show.
3. Heroes – Former favorite show, but I think it jumped the shark.
4. [...]