The Buzz by Mike Schaffer - PR, Social Media, Pop Culture and Sports

PR,Pop Culture,Social Media,Sports,TV and Movies,music

June 28, 2010

Summer Destressification Guide

The integrated marketing industry (PR, marketing, advertising, social media and the rest) comes with a high price tag of stress.

We feel it from all directions: clients, colleagues, competition, family, friends.

The stakes are high – big-brands have an enormous responsibility, but smaller brand marketers often have individual’s hopes and dreams riding on campaigns.

So, I am happy to present to you, your Summer Destressification Guide!

Exhibit A: Go to a party!

Exhibit B:  Be yourself.  Do what makes you happy, even if others don’t quite get it.

Exhibit C: Sing with friends!

Exhibit D: Sing with even more friends!

Exhibit E:  Sometimes, you just gotta knock somebody out:

Exhibit F: Take it to the streets!

Exhibit G: Go to the movies

Exhibit H: Play a sport! How about taking on New Zealand in Rugby? Gulp!

Exhibit I: Go out with a friend! (WARNING: The following clip contains strong language and situations. Do not watch if you are easily offended.)

Wonderful! How are you feeling now? Enjoy your summer – and take time to relax!

Popularity: 10% [?]

  • OnlinePRNews
    I loved the 100 movie lines -- reminded me of how many movies I still need to add to my Netflix queue! :) -- Tara
  • You don't enough know how much I needed a little Wayne Brady, B*tch in my life! Thanks Mike!
  • I admit I couldn't make it through the kid singing Lady Gaga.
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