The Buzz by Mike Schaffer - PR, Social Media, Pop Culture and Sports

Buzz, PR, Social Media

November 20, 2009

Social Media Thanksgiving

Tags: , , , thanksgiving,

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays of the year.  Great food, decent-enough football, quality family time, some good Friday bargains…it’s a terrific time.

Well, I won’t be celebrating a traditional Thanksgiving this year, since Marisa and I will be in Thailand for our Honeymoon!  Definitely a good reason, no?

This is going to be my last post here for several weeks, and I couldn’t think of a better topic to write about than giving thanks.

Obviously, I’m thankful for:

My Wife:

I'm a lucky man

My puppy:


But from a social media standpoint, here are a few additional things I’m eternally grateful for:

- Stacey Kane, Director of Marketing for , who, about a year ago, made me get on Twitter.  You can blame her for my Tweets.  Without her, I wouldn’t be a Director of Social Media.  Thank you!!!

- David Teicher who allowed me to guest post on his site, which inspired me to start this blog.  You can blame him for this blog.

- The PR Breakfast Club – The first site I read every morning.  I learn something from them every single day.

- My company’s clients that let me play with their online identity! , , , , with more exciting projects launching soon!

- The #SportsPRChat community!  I can’t believe how far this has come in just two months.  I appreciate everyone’s contributions, even the people that just follow the chat or read the transcript.  There are some incredible sports PR minds out there!  (Extra-special thanks to my awesome Fall interns who help put this together every Thursday at Noon EST [cheap plug] – , e, , )

- The Community that makes me laugh and/or think every day (I’ll let you guess who does what!) – (the secret project will happen…one day), , , , , , , , , , , (I’ve claimed you as a mentor!), , , , , , , , (We should have our significant others start a Twitter Widows Club!), , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , , , and (Alf will come back soon, keep up the work!) – not to mention the people mentioned above already.  Thank you for enriching every day! (I know I forgot important people.  I’m sorry!  My brain is somewhere in between Washington, DC and Bangkok right now!)

- For playing guitar and singing beautifully at my wedding,

- This blog and the brave souls who read it!  Thank you got putting up with my silliness, such as:  Publicists as Muppets,  Sports Man-CrushesPR Lessons from Balki and other random pop culture-infused quasi-PR related topics!

Again, thank you so much, and I can’t wait to get back to work mid-December.  That’s a lie.  I’ll still want to be on a beach in Phuket or whitewater rafting in Chiang Mai.  But you get the drift.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!!!

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