The Buzz by Mike Schaffer - PR, Social Media, Pop Culture and Sports

Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category

Buzz, PR, Social Media, Technology

January 18, 2010

Facebook Not Included

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On Monday, I presented a social media plan to a restaurant chain my agency represents in a PR capacity.
I recommended what I thought to be a good mix of outlets and channels to reach their target market, including Facebook.
My client responded, “Why do we need Facebook?  What can it give us that our website can’t? [...]

Buzz, PR, Social Media, Technology

August 26, 2009

Twitter: Protected By First Amendment?

Tags: , , Social Networking,

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
- The First Amendment to the United States Constitution
This one sentance [...]

Buzz, Great Moments in SPAM, Pop Culture, Technology

August 25, 2009

Great Moments in SPAM History, Aug. 25 2009

New, periodic feature, showcasing some of the greatest in e-mail SPAM!  This one was caught in my filter today:
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr.Jochen Krьger. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter were returned undelivered. I [...]