Facebook Not Included
On Monday, I presented a social media plan to a restaurant chain my agency represents in a PR capacity.
I recommended what I thought to be a good mix of outlets and channels to reach their target market, including Facebook.
My client responded, “Why do we need Facebook? What can it give us that our website can’t? Why would we do it just because other businesses are doing it?”
For years now, Facebook has been a central part of every digital marketing strategy. And the numbers back it up. With over 350 million users, how can you avoid Facebook?
But have we reached a point of saturation on the site? With every team, restaurant, bar, lounge, textile company, food brand, etc., having a marketing presence on there, has the clutter filled the room now?
Has the audience started to tune out the marketing message?
Interestingly, that same client from above LOVED Twitter as a way to instantly get the word out, grow the network and engage existing and potential customers.
So what do you think? Is Facebook marketing on the way out of relevance?